

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 嘉定区 金沙江西路1555号西郊商务区C1区9号楼6层
  • 姓名: 张丽
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:石材 石材养护 石材保养剂
  • 发布日期:2017-06-05
  • 阅读量:393
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:chinahutong/
  • 产品数量:100.00 个
  • 包装说明:chinahutong/
  • 发货地址:上海嘉定  
  • 关键词:灵璧石


      灵璧石肌理缜密,质素纯净,不仅坚固稳重,而且抚之若肤。好/灵璧石 ,玲珑剔透,惮奇尽怪,有**形成之观音、卧牛、仙翁,美女、顽童;有或卧或立,若舞若蹇的,肖形状物,妙趣天成,能把您引入另一个世界,使你浮想联翩。灵璧石还有一绝,就是声音美,坚如贞玉,扣如青铜。音质峥琮,余音绕梁,远在战国时期就用它制作编磐,是一种高贵的乐器,**于皇宫、贵族的宗庙祭祀、朝拜、宴会等盛大礼仪活动中。《吕氏春秋》中说:“命大臣击磬,以象帝王之磬,以舞百兽。”淮南子曰:“大禹爱磬乐。”意在让国君“居安而思危”。所以灵璧石又叫“八音石”。
      Lingbi stone, texture meticulous, pure quality, stable not only strong, and if the skin. Good lingbi stone, exquisitely carved, fears, blame, there is a natural formation of guanyin, cattle lies, xian weng, beauty, urchin; If have or down or stand, dance if Jian, XiaoXing, full tiancheng, can introduce you to another world, make you extrapolate. Lingbi stone is a special skill, it is sound beauty, enormous zhen yu, buckle, such as bronze. Timbre Zheng cong, lingering, far in the warring states period is to use rock, is a noble instrument, dedicated to the palace, temple worship, worship of aristocratic, party grand ceremonial activities. The "spring and autumn annals", said: "the life secretary of qing as emperor of the qing, to dance beasts." Huainan Confucius said: "love qing yue da." Where "monarch" is intended to make sure. So the lingbi stone is also called "eight stone".
      可能会有说是不是所产在灵璧县境内的石头都叫“灵璧石”也不是所有观赏的石头都具备以上优点,除磐石山产灵璧石是正宗外,其余都是后来在大开发中挖掘出的新品种,是灵璧石的延伸。所以在人们的意识中,对新旧灵璧有截然不同的认识。由于灵璧石始见于唐,兴于宋,进入晚清,因战乱不断,一度销声匿迹。但民间仍有为数不多的老灵璧出现,这种石头经过了数**乃至更多时间的抚摸、赏玩,吸收了大自然与人的灵气,质地细腻,外柔内刚,视之坚硬而摸之若肤。表皮上有一层固体包浆,薄薄的如同水果的皮,光滑部位出现头发丝粗细 的鸡血红,造像饱满,含而不露,有一股无穷的魅力;稳重、宁静,人与石沟通能悟出许许多多的人生哲理。
      There may be saying is not produced in lingbi stone is called "lingbi stone" is not all ornamental stones have more advantages, in addition to the rock hill to produce lingbi stone is authentic, the rest are later dug up in the great development of new varieties, is the extension of lingbi stone. So in people's mind, the old and new lingbi, there are quite different. Due to the beginning of lingbi stone in tang dynasty, xing in the song dynasty, entered the late qing dynasty, because of the war, died out. But there are still a few folk old lingbi, the stone after hundreds of years and even more time to touch, enjoying, absorbs the nimbus of nature and man, fine texture, velvet glove, if see it hard and touch the skin. There is a layer on the skin of solid wrapped slurry, thin skin, like fruits smooth hair which appear on the thickness of chicken blood red, statues in full, including but not dew, has a boundless charm. Sedate, quiet, people communicate with stone can realize a lot of life philosophy.
      So the lingbi stone has a long history and very historic, worth buying a piece on home!!!!!!!!!!

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